Florida Pickleball Leagues
Email Address

Rules/Rescheduling Policy

League Rules

Explore the world of competitive play with Florida Team Pickleball Leagues (FTPLI). Dive into the excitement and embrace exhilarating matches governed by our official league rules.

Updated: December 2024


The following rules apply to ALL Participants in the Florida Team Pickleball League, Inc., known as FTPLI:

  • All FTPLI participants will follow current USA Pickleball rules.

  • All FTPLI participants will follow the FTPLI rules.

  • All FTPLI participants will follow to FTPLI code of conduct.

  • Leagues Groups are defined by skill rating levels of 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 and defined by age:

    • Ages 14+, 50+, 65+

  • Divisions are defined as Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles.

  • Regions are defined as Northeast, Northcentral, Central and Panhandle

    • LC = League Coordinator

    • VC = Venue Coordinator

    • RM = Regional Manager

  • All communication will be followed as stated below:

    • Players > Captain

    • Captain > League Coordinator

    • League Coordinator > Regional Manager

    • Regional Manager > FTPLI Board of Directors

  • Any deviation from this will result in information being returned to the originator, advising adherence to the Chain-of-Communication.




  1. All participants will abide by the rules listed above.  Not all incidents and ramifications may be covered in the following rules: in those situations the participants will abide by the decision of the Rules Committee and/or the Board of Directors.  In any conflict of an interpretation of any rule, THE FTPLI RULES SHALL SUPERSEDE.

  2. There are 3 divisions for players:

    1. Men’s Doubles

    2. Women’s Doubles

    3. Mixed Gender Doubles

  3. All players must be 14 years of age or older.

    1. There are 3 age defined Groups in each in each division.

      1. 14+ defined as 14* years or older without any age restriction.

        1. Players under 14 - 17 years must be accompanied by parent or guardian during match play.

      2. 50+ Players must be at least 50 years old*.

      3. 65+ Players must be at least 65 years old*.

        1. * Players must be the minimum stated age or older during the calendar year of the season.

  4. Players may play in either or both age defined Groups provided they meet the requirements for each Group.

  5. Players may play in more than one region provided they meet the requirements for the Group they are participating in.

  6. Player must “declare” what region they are committed to prior to season for playoff purposes.

  7. For scheduling purposes there must be three teams in division/age group, skill levels and/or ages may be combined.





    1. All players must have paid the player registration fee for EACH TEAM they join, prior to participating in the League each season.


    1. All players must have signed the written waiver release of liability prior to participating in the League each season.


    1. Team rosters must consist of players with skills that are consistent with the Group in which their team is registered.

    2. If you, as the player, has an existing rating on FTPLI, that rating will be used.

      1. FTPLI ratings stand as stated and are unable to be appealed unless due to a valid injury or medical condition.

        1. Request for injury appeal must go to LC>RM>Appeals Committee to be considered for an appeal.

    3. If you, as the player, do not have an existing FTPLI rating, please see the list below for prioritization and sites to be used.

      1. Sites where player ratings can be found –

      2. FTLPI, UTPR, DUPR, WPR or Pickleball Brackets

      3. The HIGHEST rating will be UTR-P used for both gender or mixed doubles.

        1. A players FTPLI rating/performance will have no effect on UTPR, DUPR, WPR or Pickleball Brackets rating.

          1. DUPR will report a ‘Provisional Rating’ for a player, denoted by an asterisk*.  This states the provisional rating does not have enough data (games) to provide an accurate rating.  Players should not use this rating.

    4. Rating by Certified Ratings Clinician.

      1. There are certified rates throughout the state of Florida (IPTP.com and IFPickleball.org).

    5. LEAGUE RATED PLAYERS. If a player does not have a DUPR, UTPR, WPR, PBR, or PBSR, the league will assign the player a rating for play for each division of play as follows:

      1. 2.5 Divisions → 2.7

      2. 3.0 Divisions → 3.2

      3. 3.5 Divisions → 3.7

      4. 4.0 Divisions → 4.2

      5. 4.5 Divisions → 4.7

    6. All rating accuracies are the Team Captains or Club Administrator (where applicable) responsibility.  The accuracy of each player rating must be defendable to USAP rating criteria no matter what rating.


    1. Skill levels are 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5/5 combined.

    2. You may play up to .49 percent of the next level up or down.

      1. Example - 3.87 rated player can play 3.5 or 4.0.

      2. Example - 3.87 rated player cannot play 3.0.

    3. Single Skill Level Groups.

      1. Teams may consist of up to 50% of the players rated ½ the rating point below the skill level.

    4. Combined Skill Level Groups.

      1. Combined Skill Level Groups (4.5/5.0) may contain up to 50% of the players rated ½ of a rating point below the lower of the combined skill levels.

        1. Up to TWO players rated at 405 – 4.99 may be added to a 4.0 team, the 4.5 players will be restricted to play matches ONLY AGAINST OTHER 4.0 Teams and will NOT be allowed to play against 3.5 team in the event a group is combined.

      2. Teams in the 4.5/5.0 combined skill levels group cannot have more than 3 players rated at the highest skill level of the combined skill level.

      3. Combined skill levels of 4.5/5.0 can be played in all Divisions.


  1. On rare occasions, a players’ UTPR, DUPR, WPR or Pickleball Brackets rating may not accurately reflect the players skill level.

    1. To appeal the formal rating on any of the above listed sites, contact your captain.

    2. Captain shall submit a request for a rating appeal to the Rules/Appeals Committee using the form available on the FTPLI website.

      1. Form should fully explain why the player feels the rating is incorrect.

      2. It may be required that the player appeal directly to the rating organization prior to FTPLI approval of a rating appeal.

      3. Players shall abide by decisions made by the Rules/Appeals committee.

      4. Rating appeals are valid for 1 season or until the next player registration, whichever is shorter.


    1. If a player’s quarterly rating changes upward during the FTPLI season and the player wishes to play for a higher skill level team, please contact the League Coordinator.


    1. Captains shall poll players for availability and if players are playing on more than one FTPLI team, and player’s team priorities.

      1. Inquire about any upcoming tournaments players may be in during the season.

      2. Inquire about potential vacation, plans to be out of town during the season.

      3. Rescheduling is allowed the FIRST TWO WEEKS of the posted season start date.

    2. Team members may play in multiple Groups (as explained above in Team Roster Skill level) and more than one Division (Example 3.4 rated player may play Women’s Doubles 3.0 and Mixed Doubles 3.5) as long as the player meets the Group skill rating for that Division, and age criteria.

    3. Team members cannot play on multiple teams in the same Division and Skill Level within the same League.

    4. The following requirements apply to the SPECIFIC Regions and their areas –

      1. Central Florida, Northwest Florida, West Florida and the Panhandle.

        1. Team members are not required to be from any specific area.

        2. Captains may recruit players from any location.

        3. It is the responsibility of the Captain to ensure their roster meets the requirements of their home court venue when there are specific requirements or restrictions defined by that venue.


    1. Captains will submit team names to the League during Team Registration.

      1. First Team to submit that name will retain it if there are two applicants in the same Group and Division.

      2. Team names can be changed after registration provided there are no other teams in the same Group and Division with the same name.


    1. There is no limit to roster size.

    2. Captains, please be aware that to participate in the next level of competition (Sub-Group Playoffs) Team Players must have played in at least 12 FTPLI regular season games (equivalent to 2 matches) during that season.

    3. To participate in Regional/State Championship Tournaments players must have played in at least 12 FTPLI regular season games (equivalent to 2 matches) during that season.

    4. Captains may add players to their roster through the player registration process until cutoff date published on the League calendar on the regional website.




  1. ALL Teams must have a designated Captain and, if possible, Co-Captain.

    1. Captains shall monitor their rosters as players begin to register, for correctness and adherence to League Rules.

  2. ALL Teams must have Registered ONLINE by the published registration deadline.




  1. ALL LEAGUE CAPTAINS must poll players to ascertain player availability date(s).

  2. ALL LEAGUE CAPTAINS submit their home team match location, day and times at the time they register online prior to the published deadline.

  3. MATCH TIMES posted on the schedule are the times the match is required to begin.

    1. Captains are responsible for contacting their opposing team Captains in advance of the match and inform the opposing Captain if there are courts available prior to the match for warmups/start time of warm ups.

  4. MATCH LOCATIONS will be published in the schedule.

    1. Teams will typically play two* matches against each team in their Group Division.

      1. One match will be at ‘Home’ and one match will be ‘Away’.

        1. Both matches could be played at the same location with each Team being ‘Home’ or ‘Away’ as scheduled.

          1. *This is subject to change depending on the Division Group size.

  5. Schedule Changes must be approved by the League Coordinator.

    1. Schedule Changes

      1. Schedule Changes that involve public courts must be SUBMITTED and APPROVED a minimum of 5 days in advance of the original scheduled scheduled match time/date.


  6. Short Line-ups will occur if a Captain cannot field 3 doubles teams from their roster and rescheduling the match is not feasible.

    1. The Captain not able to field 3 doubles teams shall then bring 2 doubles teams to play (line 1 and line 2 on the scoresheet) and forfeit all of its line 3 doubles teams.

    2. The opposing team’s Team Captain shall still bring their 3 Teams (6 players) as each of that team’s pairs will play against each of the 2 doubles teams.

      1. The scoresheet will be populated with zero the forfeited team in each game it was scheduled to play.

      2. The team who fielded a full roster will be awarded 2 team points for each forfeited game (4 pints per round).

      3. If a Captain can only field 1 doubles team, the match will be forfeited earning the Team who fielded a complete roster 36 points and 1 win in the standings.




  1. Each Team is required use FTPLI APPROVED FACILITES.

    1. Courts must be hard surfaced.

    2. Indoor venues are acceptable provided they have typical outdoor court surfaces.

      1. For facility approval contact your regional Venue Coordinator.

    3. Courts must be available simultaneously for a minimum of 2.5 hours (3 if possible).

    4. Balls used for FTPLI League play must be –

      1. DURA 40 or Franklin X or a core OUTDOOR BALL in preferably new condition, or very good condition.

      2. The Team listed as the ‘Home’ Team supplies the balls.

        1. It is recommended that there are 6 balls available for each match.




  1. All matches will be 3 Rounds, with each pair of doubles pairs playing against each of the opponents doubles pairs twice.

    1. The play will be Round Robin as exampled below –

      1. Round 1

        1. Home team (score sheet line 1) plays Away team line 1

        2. Home team (score sheet line 2) plays Away team line 2

        3. Home team (score sheet line 3) plays Away team line 3

      2. Round 2

        1. Home team (score sheet line 1) plays Away team line 2.

        2. Home team (score sheet line 2) plays Away team line 3.

        3. Home team (score sheet line 3) plays Away team line 1.

      3. Round 3

        1. Home team (score sheet line 1) plays Away team line 3.

        2. Home team (score sheet line 2) plays Away team line 1.

        3. Home team (score sheet line 3) plays Away team line 2.


          2. VISITING TEAMS SWITCH COURTS AFTER EACH ROUND (2 games with same team as ‘Home’ and ‘Away’).

          3. Scoring to 11 wins by two, if game is tied score to 15 win by 1 game is then concluded.

  2. MATCH PLAY TEAMS will be comprised of 3 doubles teams.

    1. Prior to match date, Home Team Captain will contact Away Team and verify date, venue and start time of scheduled match.

      1. Prior to the match each Captain will populate the scoresheet with the 3 Teams (and each team player) and exchange their scoresheet with the opposing team Captain’s scoresheet.

    2. Once scoresheets are exchanged, prior to the start of the match, NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED.

    3. The 3 doubles pairs will play together for the match unless substitutions are made*.

      1. See Section I. SUBSTITUTES for additional information.

    4. Captains or their designees are required to be on site during the entire match.

  3. LATE PLAYERS arriving after 5 minutes after scheduled match will default game(s) when there is no substitute player.

    1. Matches are to begin on time and NO LATER THAN 5 MINUTES AFTER POSTED START TIME.

    2. If the team has a substitute player in attendance, that player may be used as a substitute until the late player arrives, however, the arriving player will only play at the beginning of the NEXT ROUND.

      1. Late arriving players will be considered the substitute, the player replacing the late player would be considered the line up player.

    3. Unless a substitute player fills in, as defined above, all games will be forfeited and score 11-0, against the team with the late player, until the late player arrives in time or:

      1. The 5-minute rule applies to the start of each round.

      2. Once the next round has started, the late players have 5 minutes to arrive, or the same rules stated above will apply.

  4. MATCH PROCESS begins with the VISITING TEAM’s choice of SERVE, RECEIVE or SIDE.

    1. Each doubles team will play 2 games (Round) to 11 (win by 2 points), or if tie, game to 15 (win by 1 point).

    2. Teams will change sides after each game.

    3. Once each team has played each other both times (completed the round), the Away team will move courts to play the next Home team noted on the scoresheet/lineup.

  5. SCORING is based on each doubles teams scored points:

    1. 0-5 points = 0 game point.

    2. 6-10 points (did not win game) = 1 game points.

    3. 6-15 points (winner) = 2 game points.

    4. The Group Team (Home or Away Team) with the most game points at the end of the match, will be the winner for the match and will be awarded a win in their Team Group.

  6. BREAKS are to be 1 minute between games and 5 minutes after each round of 2 games.

    1. The 5 minutes commence when the last two Home and Away teams complete their second game.

    2. Hydration breaks should be taken as needed, not to exceed 30 seconds.

  7. TIME OUTS can be taken a single time, per each team, per each game.

    1. Time outs are 1 minute.

    2. Bathroom breaks should be taken between rounds.

    3. A SINGLE 3-minute MEDICAL timeout per player, per MATCH (not per game or per round).

  8. COACHING, per USA PICKLEBALL rules, is only allowed after completion of each game, between rounds and during time outs.

  9. SUBSTITUTES DURING MATCH DAY – Each team is allowed 1 substitute once play has begun.


      1. Any such substitution is permanent for the remainder of the match.

        1. Players removed from play are NOT ALLOWED TO RETURN TO PLAY.

          1. Any player retiring early (not completing the Round of 2 games) shall forfeit rest of round and/or match if there is no substitute available.

        2. There is no warmup time for substitutes unless there is a time out break still available on the team the player is substituted on.

        3. The scoresheet for the ROUND shall reflect the name of the player who began the ROUND.

      1. For Mixed Doubles, one substitute for each gender is allowed and shall be so noted on the line up sheet prior to the start of the match.

  1. WARM UP COURT are not required by FTPLI before a match.

    1. Before the Match, Visiting Team Captains should check with Home Team Captains to determine warm up courts availability.

      1. If warm up courts are available, teams are allowed a 5-minute warm up after posted match start time.

        1. 5-minute warm up time is to be monitored closely by both Team Captains.

      1. At no time shall a Team ask any players to leave the court before their scheduled court time.




  1. Captains should know well in advance if they can field all three lines for their matches and work with each other in good faith to make all REASONABLE efforts to accommodate requests during the rescheduling timeframe.

  2. ALL non-weather-related rescheduling be done with the LC or, in Brevard, the VC.

  3. If for any reason not related to weather, a Captain cannot field 3 lines for a match, they have three options –

    1. Contact the opposing team Captain and reschedule the match for the SAME WEEK.

    2. Contact the opposing team Captain and reschedule the for the League Make Up Week.

    3. If both Captains can agree on a different week, then the match can be played that in that week.

    4. If Captains cannot agree on a makeup date, the League Coordinator, or, in Brevard County, the Venue Coordinator, will work to establish a date.

    5. Any Captains not agreeing to the LC or VC shall forfeit any unplayed games.

  4. RESCHEDULING Matches due to inclement weather is warranted in cases of rain and/or SUSTAINED winds of 20 MPH.

    1. The Home Captain shall not cancel match due to Inclement Weather any sooner than 2 hours prior to match start time.

      1. In the event of a Named Tropical Storm or Hurricane, this timeframe will be moved to 48 hours prior to match start time.

      2. Captain/s shall screen shot the CURRENT weather and forward to the League Coordinator.

        1. Captain/s shall follow CURRENT FTPLI RESCHEDULING POLICY.

  5. MATCHES CANCELLED PRIOR TO START due to inclement weather, must be rescheduled within 7 days from the date of the cancelled match.

    1. Captains shall follow the procedures for rescheduling the match and shall notify the League Coordinators.

      1. Brevard County Captains contact the Venue Coordinator.

    2. Matches that are cancelled due to inclement weather during the last week of the season will NOT be rescheduled.

      1. In the advent of inclement weather cancellation in the last week of the season, the Team’s winning percentage will be used to determine the final standings.

  6. MATCHES CANCELLED AFTER START due to inclement weather prior to the first-round completion, will be rescheduled and replayed, IN IT’S ENTIRETY.

    1. If the first round has been completed and play is discontinued before the second round, play will be rescheduled and replayed at the beginning of the second round.

    2. If both the first and second rounds have been completed and the match is discontinued before the third round, the match will be rescheduled and played at the beginning of the third round.

      1. When rescheduling beginning third round games, it is not required that the players all convene to play at the same time and location.

      2. Captains may arrange their own independent foursome and report the third round 2 game scores to their Captains.

  7. TEAM LINE-UP AFTER MATCH CANCELLATION If the match is replayed in its entirety, Captains are not required to field the same team lineup.

    1. If at least one round has been completed, the Captain may bring 1 different player in the new lineup to replace a player that is unavailable to play in the rescheduled match and 1 different player to serve as substitute for injured/ physically ailing players.

      1. Substitute rules apply.

    2. The replacement player will be permanent for the rest of the match.




  1. SCORE REPORTING It is the responsibility of the Home Team Captain to report the score within 48 hours of completion of a match.

    1. Visiting Team Captain will have up to 48 hours to contest the score.

    2. The score becomes official after 48 hours if not contested.

  2. RECORDS All Captains are required to keep records of all matches until the end of the season in case of any discrepancies or disputes.

    1. Be aware that all players who play in post season tournaments, must play at least two regular season matches to qualify for post season tournaments.

      1. Player must play at least two rounds to be credited for a single match.

  3. CONDUCT. Captains and Players are to monitor behavior to assure conduct is accordance with FTPLI Code of Conduct.

  4. RULES. Captains and Players are to READ and UNDERSTAND the FTPLI RULES and USA Pickleball Rules.

  5. DISPUTES. Players involved in a dispute during a match, that cannot be resolved on the court, can declare that the match is being played under protest, continuing the match to it’s conclusion.

    1. Make sure the Captain is made aware of the protest at the time it occurs.

    2. Make sure the Captain notates such protest.

  6. GRIEVANCES Player or Captain may file a formal grievance for a Rules/Sportsmanship issue with the League Coordinator.

    1. Use the form and process posted on the regional website for Grievances.




  1. STANDINGS WILL BE PUBLISHED throughout the season for each Division Skill and will be posted and updated on the FTPLI website.

    1. Standings will be determined by Team Points based on the following:

      1. Teams winning will receive 2 Team Points.

      2. 1 point for a tie.

      3. 0 points for a loss.

    2. TIES will be resolved by determining the Team with the highest Total Team Points.

      1. In the advent of Total Team Points Tie, the Team with the LOWEST Total Team OPPONENET points is placed higher.

    3. FINAL STANDINGS At the end of the season, if there is a 2-way tie in the Standings Points, head-to-head results will determine the winner.

      1. In the advent of a head-to-head tie as stated above the following criteria will determine the winner.

        1. Total Team Points Scored during their matches against each other.

          1. If Total Team Points Scored against each other is equal than Total Team Points scored during the regular match season will be used followed by lowest total points.

          2. If there are more than 2 teams that are tied in the Standings Points, the teams with the lowest total points will be eliminated until there are only 2 teams remaining, at that point the 2-way tie process will take effect.




  1. INDIVIDUAL MATCHES If both teams have an equal number of team points at the end of a championship playoff match, the team with the most games won will be declared the winner.

    1. If both teams have an equal number of games won, the team with the most game points gained will be declared the winner.

    2. If both teams have an equal number of games points, then the team with the most games points allowed will be declared the winner.

  2. ROUND ROBIN DIVISIONS/LEAGUES If 2 teams have the same win/loss record, the head-to-head winner of their match will be declared the champion.

    1. If more than 2 teams have the same win/loss record, the team(s) with the fewest games won will be eliminated until there are 2 teams remaining.

    2. If more than 2 teams have the same win/loss record and there is a tie in total team points, the team(s) with the fewest games won will be eliminated or fewest game points if games won are tied, until there are 2 remaining teams.

    3. At that point the head-to-head winner of their match will be declared the champion.




The Mission of the Florida Team Pickleball Leagues, Inc. (FTPLI) is to provide infrastructure and leadership for the operation and expansion of competitive team based pickleball leagues for men and women throughout the state of Florida. It is essential that FTPLI management, volunteers, captains, and players in promoting this mission, model good behavior, led by example and display respect and self-control.


The Code of Conduct: The code of conduct is a communication tool that informs internal and external parties what is valued at FTPLI. Every person involved in our mission whether participant, officer, volunteer, sponsor or representative of the League (the stakeholders), agrees to the following:


  • To not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct or encourage others to do so.

  • To not engage in any behavior that would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of self or others.

  • To not engage in any behavior that would result in damage to property used for FTPLI events.

  • To not engage in the use of malicious profanity, offensive language, or ethnic slurs.

  • To treat others with respect and compassion and abstain from conduct intended to humiliate, threaten, or intimidate others.

  • To exhibit fairness and honesty in dealing with situations and others.

  • To not use the FTPLI logo, documents, records, or materials for personal gain or in any situation or manner that is not authorized by the commissioner.

  • To uphold a policy of zero tolerance for convictions involving fraud, sexual abuse, discrimination, or harassment.

  • Provide a drug and alcohol-free environment.

  • To act in an ethical manner so that good emerges from the organization.

  • To recuse oneself from deciding any league issue that could develop into a conflict of interest, real or apparent. Without limitation, a conflict of interest exists if any director or committee member, or family member of a director or committee member, is personally involved in a league issue.


Equal Opportunity Organization: FTPLI prohibits unlawful discrimination, harassment, or abuse based on race, color, religion, veteran status, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy status, sex, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, mental or physical disability, medical condition, or any other characteristics protected by law. FTPLI prohibits bullying and considers bullying a form of discrimination, harassment, and abuse.


Obey the Law: FTPLI takes its responsibility to comply with laws and regulations seriously. Each participant is expected to comply with applicable local and state legal ordinances, requirements, and prohibitions.


Corrective Action: FTPLI will take prompt and appropriate action in response to potential violations of the Code of Conduct. Once a complaint has been placed, the Board of Directors will initially analyze it and may meet privately with the complainant to understand the complaint in more detail. Following a fact-finding phase, the Board of Directors will call a meeting with impartial FTPLI managers to review the complaint and propose a response. If the complaint is well-founded, any of the following corrective actions may be imposed in writing to the offender(s).


  • Warning

  • Letter of reprimand

  • Removal from league activities

  • Transfer to other tasks

  • Suspension from duties

  • Termination or removal from duties


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l           GENERAL

The following rules apply to ALL Participants in the Florida Pickleball Leagues, Inc., known as FPLI

All FPLI participants will follow current USA Pickleball rules

All FPLI participants will follow the FPLI rules

All FPLI participants will follow to FPLI code of conduct

Leagues are defined by rating levels of 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 as defined by age

Divisions are defined as Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles

Regions are defined as Northeast, Northcentral, Central and Panhandle



  1. All participants will abide by the rules listed above.  Not all incidents and ramifications may be covered in the following rules; in those situations the participants will abide by the decision of the Rules Committee and/or the Board of Directors.  In any conflict of an interpretation of any rule, THE FPLI RULES SHALL SUPERSEDE.  
  2. There are 3 divisions for players - 
    1. Mens Doubles
    2. Womens Doubles
    3. Mixed gender doubles 
  3. All players must be 16 years of age or older
    1. There are 3 age defined leagues in each in each division
      1. Open Age defined at 16 years or older without any age restriction
      2. 50+ Players must be at least 50 years old*
      3. 55+ Players must be at least 55 years old*
        1. * Players must be the minimum stated age or older during the calendar year of the season
  4. Players may play in either or both of the age defined leagues provided they meet the requirements for each league 
  5. Players may play in more than one region provided they meet the requirements for the league they are participating in
  6. Player must “declare” what region they committed to prior to season for playoff purposes 



    1. All players must have paid the player registration fee for EACH TEAM they join, prior to participating in the league each season
  2. WAIVER     
    1. All players must have signed the written waiver release of liability prior to participating in the league each season
    1. Team rosters must consist of players with skills that are consistent with the League in which their team is registered
    2. If you, as the player, has an existing rating on FPLI, that rating will be used
      1. FPLI ratings stand as stated and are unable to be appealed
    3. If you, as the player, does not have an existing FPLI rating, then please see the list below for priotization and sites to be used
    4. Sites where player ratings can be found –
      1. UTPR, DUPR, WPR or Pickleball Brackets
      2. The HIGHEST rating will be used for both gender or mixed doubles
        1. A players FPLI rating/performance will have no effect on UTPR, DUPR, WPR or Pickleball Brackets rating
          1. DUPR will report a ‘Provisional Rating’ for a player, denoted by an asterik *.  This states the provisional rating does not have enough data (games) to provide an accurate rating.  Players, DO NOT use this rating
    5. Rating by Certified Ratings Clinician
      1. There are certifidied rates throughout the state of Florida (IPTP.com and IFPickleball.org
    6. Rating by League Coordinator
    7. Captain’s rating with approval from League Coordinator
    8. All rating accuracies are the Team Captains or Club Administrator (where applicable) responsibilty.  The accuracy of each player rating must be defendable to USAP rating criteria no matter what rating 
    1. Skill levels are 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5/5 combined
    2. You may play up to .49 percent of the next level up or down
      1. Example - 3.87 rated player can play 3.5 or 4.0
      2. Example - 3.87 rated player cannot play 3.0 
      3. Single Skill Level Groups 
        1. Teams may consist of up to 50% of the players rated ½ the rating point below the skill level 
      4. Combined Skill Level Groups
        1. Combined Skill Level Groups (4.5/5.0) may contain up to 50% of the players rated ½ of a rating point below the lower of the combined skill levels
        2. Teams in the 4.5/5.0 combined skill levels group cannot have more than 3 players rated at the highest skill level of the combined skill level
        3. Combined skill levels of 4.5/5.0 can be played in all Divisions
    1. On rare occasions, a players UTPR, DUPR, WPR or Pickleball Brackets rating may not accurately reflect the players skill level.   
      1. To appeal the formal rating on any of the above listed sites, contact your captain
      2. Captain shall submit a request for a rating appeal to the Rules/Appeals Committee using the form available on the FPLI website
        1. Form should fully explain why the player feels the rating is incorrect
        2. It may be required that the player appeal directly to the rating organization prior to FPLI approval of a rating appeal
        3. Players shall abide by decisions made by the Rules/Appeals committee
        4. Rating appeals are valid for 1 season or until the next player registration, whichever is shorter
    1. If a players quarterly rating changes upward during the FPLI season and the players wishes to play for a higher skill level team, please contact the League Coordinator
    1. Team members may play in multiple Leagues (as explained above in Team Roster Skill level) and more than one Division (Example 3.4 rated player may play Women’s Doubles 3.0 and Mixed Doubles 3.5) as long as the player meets the League rating for that Division, and age criteria
    2. Team members cannot play play on multiple teams in the same Division and Skill Level within the same League
    3. The following requirements apply to the SPECIFIC Regions and their areas –
      1. Central Florida, Northwest Florida, West Florida and the Panhandle
        1. Team members are not required to be from any specific area
        2. Captains may recruit players from any location
        3. It is the responsibility of the Captain to ensure their roster meets the requirements of their home court venue when there are specified requirements or restrictions defined by that venue
    1. Captains will submit team names to the League during Team Registration
      1. First Team to submit that name will retain it if there are two applicants in the same League and Division
      2. Team names can be changed after registration provided there are no other teams in the same League and Division with the same name
    1. There is no limit to roster size
    2. Captains, please be aware that to participate in the next level of competition (Sub Group Playoffs)Team Players must have played in at least ONE complete FPLI regular season match
    3. To participate in Regional/State Championship Tournaments players must have played in at least TWO FPLI regular season matches
    4. Captains may add players to their roster through the player registration process until cutoff date published on the League calendar on the regional website



  1. ALL Teams must have a designated Captain and, if possible, Co-Captain
    1. Captains shall monitor their rosters as players begin to register, for correctness and adherence to League Rules
  2. ALL Teams must have Registered ONLINE by the published registration deadline



  1. ALL LEAGUE CAPTAINS must submit their home team match location, day and times at the time they register online prior to the published deadline
  2. MATCH TIMES posted on the schedule are the times the match is required to begin     
    1. Captains are responsible for contacting their opposing team Captains in advance of the match and inform the opposing Captain if there are courts available prior to the match for warm ups/start time of warm ups
  3. MATCH LOCATIONS will be published in the schedule
    1. Teams will typically play two* matches against each team in their Division League 
      1. One match will be at ‘Home’ and one match will be ‘Away’
        1. Both matches could be played at the same location with each Team being ‘Home’ or ‘Away’ as scheduled
          1. *this is subject to change depending on the Division League size
  4. Schedule Changes must be approved by the League Coordinator
    1. Schedule Changes
      1. Schedule Changes that involve public courts must be SUBMITTED and APPROVED a minimum of 5 days in advance of the orginal schedued scheduled match time/date
  5. Short Line-ups will occur if a Captain cannot field 3 doubles teams from their roster and rescheduling the match is not feasible   
    1. The Captain not able to field 3 doubles teams shall then bring 2 doubles teams to play (line 1 and line 2 on the scoresheet) and forfiet all of it’s line 3 doubles teams
    2. The opposing team Team Captain shall still bring their 3 Teams (6 players) as each of that team’s pairs will play against each of the 2 doubles teams 
      1. The scoresheet will be populated with zero the the forfited team in each game it was scheduled to play
      2. The team who fielded a full roster will be awarded 2 team points for each forfited game (4 pints per round)
      3. If a Captain can only field 1 doubles team, the match will be forfeited earning the Team who fielded a complete roster 36 points and 1 win in the standings



  1. Each Team is required use FPLI APPROVED FACILITES
    1. Courts must be hard surfaced
    2. Indoor venues are acceptable provided they have typical outdoor court surfaces
      1. For facility approval contact your regional Venue Coordinator
    3. Courts must be available simultaneously for a minimum of 2.5 hours (3 if possible)
    4. Balls used for FPLI League play must be -
      1. DURA 40 or Frankline X or a core OUTDOOR BALL in preferably new condition, or very good condition
      2. The Team listed as the ‘Home’ Team supplies the balls
        1. It is recommended that there are 6 balls available for each match


Vll        MATCH PLAY

  1. All matches will be 3 rounds, with each pair of doubles pairs playing against each of the opponents doubles pairs twice 
    1. The play will be Round Robin as exampled below –
      1. Round 1
        1. Home team (score sheet line 1) plays Away team line 1
        2. Home team (score sheet line 2) plays Away team line 2
        3. Home team (score sheet line 3) plays Away team line 3
      2. Round 2
        1. Home team (score sheet line 1) plays Away team line 2
        2. Home team (score sheet line 2) plays Away team line 3
        3. Home team (score sheet line 3) plays Away team line 1
      3. Round 3
        1. Home team (score sheet line 1) plays Away team line 3
        2. Home team (score sheet line 2) plays Away team line 1
        3. Home team (score sheet line 3) plays Away team line 2
  1. MATCH DAY TEAMS will be comprised of 3 doubles teams
    1. Prior to the match each Captain will populate the scoresheet with the 3 Teams (and each team player) and substitute/s and exchange their scoresheet with the opposing team Captain’s scoresheet
    2. Once scoresheets are exchanged , prior to the start of the match, NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED
    3. The 3 doubles pairs will play together for the match unless substitutions are made*
      1. See SUBSTITUES sec. I. 
    4. Captains or their designees are required to be on site during the entire match
  2. LATE PLAYERS arrving after 10 minutes of scheduled match will default game(s) that the player was scheduled to play and was not at the venue 
    1. Matches are to begin on time and NO LATER THAN 5 MINUTES AFTER POSTED START TIME  
      1. Prior to match date, Home Team Captain will contact Away Team Captain to verify date and start time of scheduled match
    2.  If the team has a listed substitute player in attendance, that player may be used as a substitute until the late player arrives, that game will then be played in it’s entirety and will count.   
      1. If the late player arrives during the game, the late player will wait until the end of the game and then replace the substitue player
      2. It is the Captains perogative to switch the late player to the role of substitue player, in which case the player replacing the late player would continue as the line up player
    3. Unless a substitue player fills in, as defined above, all games will be forfieted and score 11-0, agaist the team with the late player, until the late player arrives
      1. The 5 minute rules applies to the start of each round
      2. Once the next round has started, the late players has 5 minutes to arrive or the same rules stated above will apply
  3. MATCH PROCESS begins with the VISITING TEAM’s choice of SERVE, RECEIVE or SIDE
    1. Each doubles team will play 2 games to 11 (win by 2 points)
    2. Teams will change sides after each game
    3. Once each team has played each other both times, the Away team will move courts to play the next Home team noted on the scoresheet/lineup
  1. SCORING is based on each doubles teams scored points
    1. 0-5 points = 0 game point
    2. 6-10 points (did not win game) = 1 game points
    3. 6-11 points (winner) = 2 game points
    4. The League Team (Home or Away Team) with the most game points at the end of the match, will be the winner fo the match and will be awarded a win in their Team League
  2. BREAKS are to be 1 minute between games and 5 minutes after each round of 2 games
    1. The 5 minutes commence when the last two Home and Away teams complete their second game
    2. Hydration breaks should be taken as needed, not to exceed 30 seconds
  3. TIME OUTS can be taken a single time, per each team, per each game
    1. Time outs are 1 minute
    2. Bathroom breaks should be taken between rounds
  4. COACHING, per USA PICKLEBALL rules, is only allowed after completion of each game, between rounds and during time outs
  5. SUBSTITUTES DURING MATCH DAY – Each team is allowed 1 substitute once play has begun
      1. An injury or physical ailment that occurs during the match that prevents the player from continuing to participate
      2. Any such substitution is permanent for the remainder of the match
        1. Players removed from play due to injurty or ailment are NOT ALLOWED TO RETURN TO PLAY
        2. There is no warm up time for substitutes unless there is a time out break still available on the team the player is substituted on
        3. The scoresheet for the match shall reflect the name of the player who FINISHED the game and match
      3. For Mixed Doubles, one substitute for each gender is allowed and shall be so noted on line up sheet prior to the start of the match
      4. Using substitutes for Team strategy purposes is strongly DISCOURAGED as unsportsmanlike
  6. WARM UP COURT are not required by FPLI before a match
    1. Before the Match, Visiting Team Captains should check with Home Team Captains to determine warm up courts availability
      1. If warm up courts are available, teams are allowed a 5 minute warm up after posted match start time
        1. 5 minute warm up time is to be monitored closely by both Team Captains
      2. At no time shall a Team ask any players to leave the court before their scheduled court time


  1. RESCHEDULING Matches due to inclement weather is warranted in cases of rain and/or SUSTAINED winds of 25 MPH 
    1. The Captain/s seeking to reschedule the match due to inclement weather shall not reschedule match any sooner than 30 minutes* prior to match start time
      1. In the event of a Named Tropical Storm or Hurricane, this timeframe will be moved to 48 hours prior to match start time
      2. Captain/s shall screen shot the CURRENT weather and forward to the League Coordinator
  2. MATCHES CANCELLED PRIOR TO START due to inclement weather, must be rescheduled within 7 days from the date of the cancelled match 
    1. Captains shall follow the procedures for rescheduling the match and notify the League Coordinator with any and all changes, including rosters
    2. Matches that are cancelled due to inclement weather during the last week of the season will NOT be rescheduled
      1. In the advent of inclement weather cancellation in the last week of the season, the Team’s winning percentage will be used to determine the final standings
  3. MATCHES CANCELLED AFTER START due to inclement weather prior to the first round completion, will be rescheduled and replayed, IN IT’S ENTIRETY within 7 days from the date the match was cancelled 
    1. If the first round has been completed and play is discontinued before the second round, play will be rescheduled and replayed at the beginning of the second round
  1. If both the first and second rounds have been completed and the match is discontinued before the third round, the match will be rescheduled and played at the beginning of the third round
    1. When rescheduling beginning third round games, it is not required that the players all convene to play at the same time and location
    2. Captains/players may arrange their own independent foursome and report the third round 2 game scores to their Captains 
  1. TEAM LINE-UP AFTER MATCH CANCELLATION If the match is replayed in it’s entirety, Captains are not required to field the same team lineup 
    1. If at least one round has been completed, the Captain may bring 1 different player in the new lineup to replace a player that is unavailableto play in the rescheduled match and 1 different player to serve as substitute for injured/ physically ailing players
      1. Substitute rules apply
      2. The replacement player will be permanent for the rest of the match


  1. SCORE REPORTING It is the responsibility of the Home Team Captain to report the score within 48 hours of completion of a match
    1. Visiting Team Captain will have up to 48 hours to contest the score
    2. The score becomes official after 48 hours if not contested
  2. RECORDS All Captains are required to keep records of all matches until the end of the season in case of any discrepancies or disputes
  3. CONDUCT  Captians and Players are to monitor behavior to assure conduct is is accordance with FPLI Code of Conduct
  4. RULES Captains and Players are to READ and UNDERSTAND the FPLI RULES and USA Pickleball Rules
  5. DISPUTES Players involved in a dispute during a match, that cannot be resolved on the court, can declare that the match is being played under protest, continuing the match to it’s conclusion
    1. Make sure the Captain is made aware of the protest at the time it occurs
    2. Make sure the Captain notates such protest
  6. GRIEVANCES Player or Captain may file a formal grievance for a Rules/Sportsmanship issue with the League Coordinator
    1. Use the form and process posted on the regional website for Grievances


  1. STANDINGS WILL BE PUBLISHED throughout the season for each Division Skill and will be posted and updated on the FPLI website
    1. Standings will be determined by Team Points based on the following
      1. Teams winning will receive 2 Team Points
      2. 1 point for a tie
      3. 0 points for a loss
    2. TIES will be resolved by determining the Team with the hightest Total Team Points
      1. In the advent of Total Team Points Tie, the Team with the LOWEST Total Team OPPONENET points is placed higher
    3. FINAL STANDINGS At the end of the season, if there is a 2 way tie in the Standings Points, head to head results will determine the winner
      1. In the advent of a head to head tie as stated above the following criteria will determine the winner
        1. Total Team Points Scored during their matches against each other
          1. If Total Team Points Scored against each other is equal than Total Team Points scored during the regular match season will be used followed by lowest total points
          2. If there are more than 2 teams that are tied in the Standings Points, the teams with the lowest total points will be eliminated until there are only 2 teams remaing, at that point the 2 way tie process will take effect  


  1. INDIVIDUAL MATCHES If both teams have an equal number of team points at the end of a championship playoff match, the team with the most games won will be declared the winner
    1. If both teams have an equal number of games won, the team with the most game points gained will be declared the winner
    2. If both teams have an equal number of games points, then the team with the fewest games points allowed will be declared the winner
  2. ROUND ROBIN DIVISIONS/LEAGUES If 2 teams have the same win/loss record, the head to head winner of their match will be declared the champion
    1. If more than 2 teams have the same win/loss record, the team(s) with the fewest games won will be eliminated until there are 2 teams remaining
    2. If more than 2 teams have the same win/loss record and there is a tie in total team points, the team(s) with the fewest games won will be eliminated or  fewest game points if games won are tied, until there are 2 remaining teams
    3. At that point the head to head winner of their match will be declared the champion



The Mission of the Florida Pickleball Leagues, Inc. (FPLI) is to provide infrastructure and leadership for the operation and expansion of competitive team based pickleball leagues for men and women throughout the state of Florida. It is essential that FPLI management, volunteers, captains, and players in promoting this mission, model good behavior, led by example and display respect and self-control. 

The Code of Conduct: The code of conduct is a communication tool that informs internal and external parties what is valued at FPLI. Every person involved in our mission whether participant, officer, volunteer, sponsor or representative of the League (the stakeholders), agrees to the following: 

  • To not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct or encourage others to do so
  • To not engage in any behavior that would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of self or others 
  • To not engage in any behavior that would result in damage to property used for FPLI events
  • To not engage in the use of malicious profanity, offensive language, or ethnic slurs 
  • To treat others with respect and compassion and abstain from conduct intended to humiliate, threaten, or intimidate others 
  • To exhibit fairness and honesty in dealing with situations and others
  • To not use the FPLI logo, documents, records, or materials for personal gain or in any situation or manner that is not authorized by the commissioner
  • To uphold a policy of zero tolerance for convictions involving fraud, sexual abuse, discrimination, or harassment. 
  • Provide a drug and alcohol-free environment 
  • To act in an ethical manner so that good emerges from the organization 
  • To recuse oneself from deciding any league issue that could develop into a conflict of interest, real or apparent. Without limitation, a conflict of interest exists if any director or committee member, or family member of a director or committee member, is personally involved in a league issue 

Equal Opportunity Organization: FPLI prohibits unlawful discrimination, harassment, or abuse based on race, color, religion, veteran status, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy status, sex, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, mental or physical disability, medical condition, or any other characteristics protected by law. FPLI prohibits bullying and considers bullying a form of discrimination, harassment, and abuse. 

Obey the Law: FPLI takes its responsibility to comply with laws and regulations seriously. Each participant is expected to comply with applicable local and state legal ordinances, requirements, and prohibitions. 

Corrective Action: FPLI will take prompt and appropriate action in response to potential violations of the Code of Conduct. Once a complaint has been placed, the Commissioner will initially analyze it and may meet privately with the complainant to understand the complaint in more detail. Following a fact-finding phase, the Commissioner will call a meeting with impartial FPLI managers to review the complaint and propose a response. If the complaint is well-founded, any of the following corrective actions may be imposed in writing to the offender(s). 

• Warning 

• Letter of reprimand 

• Removal from league activities 

• Transfer to other tasks 

• Suspension from duties 

• Termination or removal from, duties


© Florida Team Pickleball Leagues, Inc.  •  All rights reserved





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Florida Pickleball Leagues